About Us



Our story

Born and bought up in \”KALAVALAPAMULA\”, Krishna district.  From childhood days, ambition to do something \’good\’ to the society.  At the age of 16 saw the devastating \”DEVE SEEMA UPPENA\” (NOV 19,1997) and its consequences.  Nature and its calamities got the attention and started observing closely the changes in the Mother Nature.

              Later this curiosity awoke the hidden gift of forecasting the natural calamities beforehand.  Started sending predictions about natural calamities to the President\’s Office (A.P.J Abdul Kalam\’s tenure 2002).  Approximately 40 predictions were stated about natural calamities(since 2002) in a span of 15 years.  Around 30 evidences stand as testimonials proving these predictions to be true.  The entire information is open to the public through this site.

               The main motive behind the commencement of this site is to do something \’good\’ to society by predicting natural calamities in advance and averting human and property loss.To safeguard the lives of the people is the noble deed behind this site.

               By placing the predictions before the world it is expected to minimize the human and property loss due to natural calamities like hurricanes,cyclones etc.  Predictions about upcoming calamities revealed LIVE on this site.

               Share this site with everyone and participate in the noble cause of saving human lives and averting property loss due to natural calamities beforehand.